Best writing app for ipad Pro
This app is BEAUTIFUL. It is fluid, smooth and easy to use. It has two major flaws. I. It is very limited on colors. I dont know why. You set two colors for each page. Second, it has a delete page button that does not ask if you are sure.
This is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it has an undo that lets you bring the page bacK, most of the tire, which brings me to a third problem, perhaps not a MAJOR flaw, but still serious.
The undo button is seemingly random in how many steps it will let you go back. Sometimes, it will not let you restore more than even a couple of steps. This app has tremendous potential and worksexceptionally well with Apple Pencil.
Just give us a few more colors and better undo options. It is definitely the best "inking"app there is in the store right now. For writing text, it is without compare.
Tom Steele about
Zen Brush 2